»Here are tips for your application«
Nina Sochert, human resourses officer
Your application is your first „sample of work“ and your „business card“
The first impression is very important and with it depends whether or not you will be invited for an interview at the firm.
You want to convince – with your qualifications and your personality.
We are quite pleased with your successfully written application which leaves us with a positive impression when it is clear, without mistakes, neat, up to date, complete and easy to process.
The cover letter should directly address the necessary qualifications desired in the described job profile which leave no further questions open.
It should be „different“ and reveal a personal character as well as including the availability and reasons for applying and why you would like to work for the firm.
Your curriculum vitae is quick and easy to read when it is structured in „a reverse chronological order“ which means from the present into the past. It contains a photo which is up to date and suitable for the job profile. It leaves no questions pertaining to, for example, blank periods of time and contains all data with regards to contact.
The application also includes your e-mail address even when your applicatiion is sent with the postal service.
All reports and certificates pertaining to schoolwork should be enclosed in a reverse chronological order.
Continue reading for further tips regarding your application:
Applicants decades later
What kind of impression does your application leave?

Schleswiger Tauwerkfabrik Oellerking GmbH
Margarethenwallstraße 7
24837 Schleswig
Tel. +49 4621 3809-0
Fax +49 4621 3809-99
Schleswiger Tauwerkfabrik Oellerking GmbH
Werner-Siemens-Straße 99
22113 Hamburg - Billbrook
Tel. +49 40 41493668
Fax +49 40 41493669